
Posts Tagged ‘surgery’

Since writing my last post, my classmates and I have been at our clinical rotations; my schedule is Monday through Friday, 7 ‘till 4, just like a full-time job, except this is the kind of job where you don’t get paid. . . Now that I think about it, I got to pay tuition to be doing this, but I’m having a great time. I’ve been my Clinical Instructor’s shadow the last 3 weeks, and I still have 3 weeks to go. Although I’m in a hospital on the acute floor, there are classmates in outpatient clinics, pediatrics, rural; a little bit of everything.

Some of the highlights so far at my site are as follows:

  1. I got to observe an open brain surgery. Now when I say observe, I was literally breathing down the neck of the neurosurgeon taking out the tumor. I also got to talk with the patient and the speech therapist as it was going on.
  2. I spent a morning in the NICU (the premature baby unit) and saw a whole different side of therapy. It was a really neat experience.
  3. I’ve started doing evaluations with new patients and am beginning to participate more and more with the intervention part. The stuff we’ve learned in school so far is starting to make more sense. Who would’ve known. . . I really am going to school to be a Physical Therapist. Go figure.

Needless to say, it has been a great experience so far, and it’s only halfway over. Then, back to schoolwork and classrooms. . .

On a lighter and non-PT related note, Ashley and I finally finished our latest project at home: Spencer’s playhouse upgrade. When we moved to Denver last year, we had to get a new dryer and I cut out holes in the cardboard box and Ashley decorated it for Spencer. As he’s gotten older and stronger, the box just couldn’t withstand the beating it received. So, we got some plywood, screws, wallpaper, and as you can see, we didn’t do too bad. Spencer loves it, and that’s the most important part. He usually gets served his breakfast in there, and at night, he hides in there and says he wants to sleep in his little cabin. He’s getting big. I sometimes can’t believe we’ve been out here a year now. Two years left of school.

Last picture of Spencer's old cardboard hut.

Last picture of Spencer's old cardboard hut.

Posing before the "new and improved" cabin is put together.

Posing before the "new and improved" cabin is put together.

The beautiful cabin, complete witha door and window drapes. Now he just needs a doorbel

The beautiful cabin, complete witha door and window drapes. Now he just needs a doorbell.

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